This is really good. The only issues I have with this is that I feel like it's a bit reptitive in places and I do feel like it could be shortened slightly which would avoid it being repetitive but other than that, there isn't really any issues I have with this. I really like the overall atmosphere of the song and I feel like it matches the name of the song since it's like something is about to start or happen. You're seeing a new age or new era begin and you're watching as everything is changing and the things you used to know and do are now old and outdated compared to this new era. One of my favourite things about this song in general is the buildups, especially the parts that are like the one at around 0:22. That part has a very euphoric feeling to it and it really helps to give the song an atmosphere. To me, it really makes me imagine a world that's either experienced a catastrophic event or one that's about to and because of this event, the world is about to change. The drops have the opposite feel to the melody and they're more darker and less euphoric compared to it but it really helps me to imagine that world trying it's hardest to fight against this event. Other than that, I don't really have any thoughts about this.